Cardiologia Ambulatoriale - Outpatient Cardiology Export date: Thu Oct 10 3:37:44 2024 / +0000 GMT |
Left ventricular assist devices, bridge and destination therapy. Continuity between hospital and community care has never been more essentialSistemi di assistenza ventricolare, ponte e destinazione. Mai come in questo caso è indispensabile la continuità ospedale territorio Enrico Perna; Alessandro Verde; Andrea Garascia S.C. Cardiologia 2 – Insufficienza cardiaca e trapianto, Dipartimento Cardio-Toraco-Vascolare, ASST G.O.M. Niguarda, Milano Abstract L'insufficienza cardiaca è una sindrome clinica complessa, ancora gravata da una prognosi severa, nonostante i progressi della terapia. Le fasi più avanzate dell'insufficienza cardiaca presentano, inoltre, aspetti gestionali di particolare complessità in particolare per i pazienti candidabili a terapia sostitutiva cardiaca. Le assistenze ventricolari sinistre (LVAD) sono ormai un'opzione terapeutica consolidata per i pazienti in scompenso cardiaco avanzato. Nonostante persistano potenziali complicanze la tecnologia ha permesso di raggiungere livelli di sopravvivenza pressoché sovrapponibili al trapianto cardiaco nei primi 2-3 anni post-impianto. La continuità territorio-ospedale è fondamentale Parole chiave: LVAD; Insufficienza cardiaca avanzata; Riferimento tardivo. Abstract Heart failure is a complex clinical syndrome, still burdened by a severe prognosis despite advances in therapy. The advanced stages of heart failure also present management aspects of particular complexity, especially for patients eligible for cardiac replacement therapy. Left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) have now become a well-established therapeutic option for patients with advanced heart failure. Despite potential complications, technology has allowed achieving survival rates almost comparable to heart transplantation in the first 2-3 years after implantation. Continuity between community and hospital care is essential for patient selection and the establishment of a shared management network after discharge. Continuity is meant as the sharing of knowledge to avoid late referrals before and after implantation. In Italy, the awareness of the VAD program is strongly influenced by the limited number of implants, the absence of a national registry, and the lack of control by a central authority. Key words: LVAD; Advanced Heart Failure; Late referral. |
Post date: 2023-09-01 11:48:02 Post date GMT: 1970-01-01 00:00:00 Post modified date: 2024-03-11 14:00:46 Post modified date GMT: 2024-03-11 14:00:46 |
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